Image Bearers

Image Bearers is a yearly convention composed of youth from various Churches of Christ throughout Central Texas. The purpose of Image Bearers is to plan, organize, promote, and execute programs that assist young Christians to develop their knowledge of the Bible and Biblical principles, enhance their communication and leadership skills, and orient their energies and abilities to areas of Christian service.

The 2025 convention will be hosted by the Central Church of Christ in Victoria on April 12.

9:00 AMRegistration / Check In / Set up Art & Poetry Displays
10:oo AMBible Bowl (All Ages)
11:30 AMLunch Provided
Bible Reading (auditorium)MemorizationFamiliarization
12:30 PM3rd – 5th6th – 8th9th – 12th
1:15 PM9th – 12th3rd – 5th6th – 8th
2:00 PM6th – 8th9th – 12th3rd-5th
2:45 PMPresent Awards and Depart

Image Bearers Events

Bible BowlBible ReadingVideo
ServiceFaith InterviewMemorizationFamiliarization
ArtPoetryDramaPreconvention Events

Bible Bowl

Purpose: To challenge students to achieve in-depth knowledge of God’s Word.

– Enroll three-member teams in grade level of oldest member.
– Select one adult scorer for each Bible Bowl team.
– The study material for Bible Bowl 2025 is “Gospel of Luke”. All questions will be drawn from the English Standard Version. Any information in the text may be asked, and some questions may cover information from more than one verse.
– The Bible Bowl Event is a tournament consisting of multiple rounds.
– Scores in all rounds will be used to determine individual and team awards.
Team Requirements:
– A team consists of three members.
– If you do not have enough team members, you are responsible for finding the additional team members before the event.
– Teams with extra members or teams in need of extra members must report to the check-in table during registration.

  –  A congregation may enter any number of teams in any number of grade levels. There are three grade levels in this event: Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.
  –  A participant may be a member of only one team during a convention.
  –  A participant may participate in any grade level above his own, but may not participate in a lower grade level.
  –  Teams will evenly space out on church pews at the front of the auditorium.  The audience will be seated in the back of the auditorium.
  –  Each team will have a scorer sitting on the pew with them.
  –  Each participant will be given a test sheet, clip board, and pen.  Participants are only allowed to answer each question as it is read out loud.  No answers may be changed.
  –  Spectators are encouraged to not enter or leave the room during the event. Spectators are asked to remain silent during the event.

  –  All questions are objective, calling for specific facts, order of events, or chapter locations. Question will not call for interpretation. Each question will have a Scripture reference. Questions are developed from the text, not a study guide.
   –  Each participant receives a printed copy of the questions. No marks will be made on the copy of the questions until each question is asked by the Quizmaster.
  –  The Quizmaster will read each question aloud one time only.
  –  If the Quizmaster or any Scorer hears an answer spoken by anyone, the question will be voided.
  –  If a question is disqualified by spoken answer or by protest, credit on that question will be given to all participants.
  –  After play has started, a participant will be disqualified for talking.

  –  After the reading of each question, each participant will have five seconds to think about his answer.
  –  After five seconds, a tone will sound.  The participant will then have five seconds to write down their answer on the question sheet.
  –  After five seconds, a second tone will sound.  No answers are to be written after the second bell rings.  The participant is not allowed to change their answer after the second tone.  If no answer is written, that question will be counted as wrong.

–  At the end of each round, answers will be read out loud and each participant will score their own test using a different colored pin.
–  At the end of all rounds, the scorer will record the team’s score on the Team Score Sheet and assist participants on their team to determine their score.
–  Each team scores one point for each participant who answers a question correctly.
  –  No bonus or adjusted points are given for any reason.

  –  All protests will be lodged with the floor judge at the back of the event area.
  –  Protests are received only from adult coaches.
  –  Protests are to be made at the end of the round in question. After the Quizmaster’s protest closure at the end of a round, no protests will be heard concerning that round.

Bible Bowl Tournament:
  –  No team is ever eliminated from Bible Bowl; all teams take all quizzes.
  –  There will be three rounds with a five minute break occurring between rounds.
– Round 1 will be 40 questions for all grade levels from Luke chapters 1-8 and 19-24.
– Round 2 will be 20 additional questions for 6-8 and 9-12 grade levels from Luke chapters 9-12.
– Round 3 will be 20 additional questions for 9-12 grade levels from Luke chapters 13-18.
  –  The scores of each individual team member will be added together to achieve a team score.

Individual Bible Bowl Awards are determined by the score of the individual participant in all 3 rounds.
  –  Gold – 90% – 100% of the top score in the grade division
  –  Silver – 80% – 89% of the top score in the grade division
  –  Bronze – 50% – 79% of the top score in the grade division
Team Awards are determined by the adding the scores of the 3 individual participants in all 3 rounds.
  –  Gold – 90% – 100% of the top score in the grade division
  –  Silver – 80% – 89% of the top score in the grade division
  –  Bronze – 50% – 79% of the top score in the grade division

Bible Reading

Purpose: To provide an opportunity for young people to develop skills through the oral reading of Scripture.

  –  Choose a reading from the theme book.
  –  Choose reading from a standard translation, no paraphrases.

1.  A brief introduction is required. The entire presentation of the introduction and Scripture reading is not to be less than one minute or more than two minutes in length. The student’s rating will be penalized for any time less than one minute or over two minutes. Therefore, aim for one minute and thirty seconds. After the two-minute time limit, the reader will be stopped.
2.  The participant should not attempt to explain or interpret the passages. Participants should place major emphasis on the actual Bible reading and not on prepared statements. The identification of the passage, the translation, and the setting of the passage together shall not exceed 20 seconds.
3.  Participants will be penalized if the identification and introduction exceeds 20 seconds. Participants will also be penalized if they omit identification of the passage and translation. Memorization is neither required nor encouraged; your ability to read the passage is what is being judged.
4.  Each participant will be rated by at least one judge.
5.  Spectators may not leave or enter the room while participants are speaking. This is not a come-and-go event.
6.  There are three grade levels in this event: Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.
7.  Reading may be done in English or Spanish.

Awards are given to reward preparation and hard work as well as to recognize excellence in presentation. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed.

Judging Criteria:
  –  Poise – Proper composure and self-confidence while reading will be rated.
  –  Posture – Proper posture while reading will be rated. One should stand straight with both feet firmly on the floor. Any movement done should be to emphasize a point.
  –  Voice Tone – The proper voice tone will be rated.
  –  Voice Volume – The proper voice volume will be rated. Can the speaker be heard clearly in relationship to the room size and audience?
  –  Rate and Flow – Does the reading flow well?
  –  Articulation and Enunciation – Are the words pronounced clearly and distinctly?
  –  Eye Contact – Proper gestures and eye contact will be rated. To give emphasis to the reading, does the reader have the ability to look away from his text and look at the audience?
  –  Introduction to the Passage – The effectiveness of the participants in: (1) the identification of the passage, (2) the translation, and (3) the setting of the passage will be rated. The identification and introduction should not exceed 20 seconds of the total time.
  –  Reading Time – The entire presentation of the introduction and Scripture reading is not to be less than one minute, nor more than two minutes in length, including the introduction.
  –  Overall Impression – The overall impression of the reader and reading will be rated. This will include appropriate dress.



Students will create a 3-5 minute video and turn it in at least two weeks prior to the competition. The video can be live action or animation. The focus of the video must be  something from the theme book. Students are allowed to do this as a group project  or on their own. The easiest way to share the video is to upload it to YouTube and email  the link to Charlie Mills at



Purpose: To encourage students to make Christian service an integral part of their lives.

  –  Complete all requirements by Image Bearers Convention.
  –  Have your leader submit award earned at the convention.

  –  Participants may choose from the following list of service projects or may create new ones. A major project such as a mission trip, VBS, work camp, etc. can count as a maximum of two projects but must cover at least three separate days.
  –  Pre-approval by the Church Coordinator is required for any projects added to the list below.
  –  When creating their own projects, participants are encouraged to meet the needs of individuals, assist their immediate family, build up their church, or improve their community.

Suggested Project Descriptions for Grades 3 – 5
  –  Spend one hour picking up trash somewhere in the community.
  –  Write five notes of encouragement to shut-ins, sick, etc.
  –  Help a shut-in from your congregation with chores at his/her home.
  –  Work on a recycling project for at least one month and donate the money to a non-profit organization.
  –  Write three letters to missionaries encouraging them in their work.
  –  Read a book of the New Testament on tape to be given to a person who has difficulty reading.
  –  At a cemetery in your community help with the never-ending fight against litter and weeds.
  –  Contact a children’s home and arrange to be a pen pal for one of the children. (Send at least six letters during a three month period.)
  –  Arrive early and set up for a church event that isn’t related to the children’s or youth ministries.
Suggested Project Descriptions for Grades 6 – 12
  –  Baby-sit free of charge for a total of ten hours.
  –  Locate a needy family and put together and deliver a “care package” of food, toys, etc. for them.
  –  Help three shut-ins from your congregation with chores at their home.
  –  Visit a local nursing home and read devotional literature or the Bible to the residents.
  –  Write ten sympathy notes to individuals or families.
  –  Write five notes of appreciation to Bible class teachers who have made a difference in your life.
  –  Volunteer ten hours to help church staff (i.e., maintenance, secretaries, or ministers).
  –  Volunteer to either pick up groceries for an elderly person or to take him/her shopping with you.
  –  Volunteer to work an hour a week for one month in the church library or workroom.
  –  Assist in a children’s Bible class for one complete quarter or trimester.
  –  Find a local children’s home and assist with a food/supply drive or service project at the home.
  –  Make a bedroll for a homeless person.
– Make receiving blankets and diaper shirts for a hospital mission.

Method 1
  –  Grades 3 – 5:          Gold — 10 projects      Silver — 8 projects       Bronze — 6 projects
   –  Grades 6 – 12:        Gold — 12 projects      Silver — 10 projects     Bronze — 8 projects
Method 2
   –  Grades 3 – 5:          Gold — 20 hours          Silver — 16 hours         Bronze — 12 hours
  –  Grades 6 – 12:        Gold — 30 hours          Silver — 25 hours         Bronze — 20 hours

Faith Interview

Rules: Students will interview an adult from their congregation about their faith.  Recommended and sample questions will be provided to give students a guideline of  what they should be asking. Students will then make a presentation about what they  learned. Presentations can take on any form you like, but the focus of the presentation  must be on what you learned about the other person’s faith and how that impacted  you.


Rules:  Memorization and Scripture familiarization are vital in the formation of a Biblical worldview. The memorization event centers around committing Scripture, word for word, to heart. This event is open to all age brackets. Each age bracket is required to commit to exact memory a set number of verses. Parents and teachers are invited to choose any verse(s) to memorize from the theme books. Any of the following translations are allowed: ASV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, NAS, or NIV. We ask parents, teachers or students to please bring whatever Bible translation was used If using any other translation than the ESV. 

K-2: Successfully recite a single verse.
3-5: Successfully recite 3 verses.
6-8: Successfully recite 4 verses.
9-12: Successfully recite 5 verses.

Awards are earned based on the successful recitation of all the words in a verse. Each word in the verse(s) is equal to a number of points. (i.e. A verse has 10 words therefore each word is worth 10pts).
Bronze: 70-79%  Silver: 80-89% Gold: 90-100%.

Scripture Familiarization

This event is only open to students who can effectively read and write (likely 3rd-12th grade). Students are given up to 32 key verses from the theme books so that they may begin to familiarize themselves with key events in the Life of Moses. Each participant is graded through a written test with fill-in-the-blank style questions. 

Expectations and Awards:
Early readers and writers: 4 verses given. Gold (4), Silver (2-3), Bronze (1) 
3-5: 16 verses given. Gold (15-16), Silver (13-14), Bronze (10-12)
6-8: 25 verses given. Gold (23-25), Silver (20-22), Bronze (15-19)
9-12: 42 verses given. Gold (40-42), Silver (35-39), Bronze (27-34)

Early readers and writers: Luke 1:1-4
3-5th: Luke 1:1-4, 26-38
6-8th: Luke 1:1-4, 26-38; 9:18-27
9-12th: Luke 1:1-4, 26-38; 9:18-27; 24:36-53


Purpose: To communicate faith and beliefs through art.
General Rules:
      1.   A student may submit only one art piece.
      2.   Entries must interpret a passage taken from the theme books for the year. You may use the entire passage or you may choose to illustrate part of the passage.
      3.   Adult assistance shall be limited to that of advice and supervision. The participant submitting the art shall be the sole artist of that entry. Assist freely (or in the case of lower grades, do framing for) in framing of the art.
      4.   All entries must be original work. It is considered plagiarism to use another’s work. This includes scanning in an image and adding words to it. Any scanned images used must be clearly manipulated.
      5.   Any electronics must be powered by battery; no plug-ins will be allowed.
      6.   Deliver entries to the Christian Art desk and pick up entries by 3 p.m.

Required Elements for All Art:
      1.   The entrant must tape a 3 x 5 inch card on the back or underside of the artwork. Information on the card must include artist’s name, grade, home congregation.
      2.   Entry must include the scripture reference. The scripture reference may be on the front, back or beneath the art.
      3.   Entry must include 2-5 sentences explaining the participant’s thoughts connecting the art to the passage. This explanation must be typed or written neatly, and matted with art on front, or placed on the back or beneath of the art.
      4.   Entries must make a clear point and should visually represent the chosen passage.
      1.   Sculptures must be self-supporting. Sculptures and supports/braces must remain movable.
Awards: Awards are given to reward preparation and hard work as well as to recognize excellence in presentation. Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed.

Judging Criteria:
– Interpretation of Story/Theme – Does the entry interpret one of the passages or this year’s theme?
– Presentation – An evaluation of scripture reference, explanation, mounting, and neatness.
– Art Elements – Use of line, shape, texture, space, value, color, unity, balance, rhythm, contrast, or scale.
– Creativity – Does the entry portray the passage/theme in an original or imaginative manner? • Overall Impact – What is the overall impact of the entry?


Purpose:  To develop the ability to express spiritual feelings and thoughts in the form of poetry and verse.

Process:  Write a poem that reflects the current year’s theme.

1. The poem may be written in any meter or rhythm. It does not have to rhyme. Poems that do rhyme can adhere to any rhyme scheme.
2. Poems shall start with a title line.
3. The story should be type written, 12 point Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica or Verdana font and shall not exceed one page.
4. Adult assistance shall be essentially verbal.  Adults may discuss the theme and possible poetic applications, make verbal suggestions on content and style, and note editorial corrections on the participant’s written work.
5. Only one poem per participant will be accepted.
6. Poetry is an individual event.
7. There are four grade levels in this event: Grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.
8. Participants should include a short description for how they created or titled their poem.

Awards: Ratings and awards of gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention will be given according to the judging criteria listed.

Judging Criteria:
• Creativity – Unique or unusual expression of ideas.
• Theme – Incorporation of the theme book should be clearly and accurately presented.
• Scheme – Uses rhyme schemes, meter or non-rhyming schemes that achieve a poetic effect.
• Readability – Appropriate use of “poetic license,” desired effect, easy flow.
• Overall Effect – Words, style, meaning, attention getting.



Rules:  This event encourages students to dramatize modern-day life applications to Christian truths  found in the theme book. In this event a student or students is encouraged to write and  perform a drama based on the events or themes found in the theme book. A drama can include participants form any grade level.  The maximum time allowed for setup and performance shall not exceed eight minutes.


Preconvention Events

Each church may have students lead a devotional, song, or public prayer in their home congregations, under the oversight of their leadership. The church representative has the freedom to choose the participation requirements and awards.

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