We exist as a simple New Testament church, pointing people to the God of the Bible and His Son, Jesus. We are under the authority of the Lordship of Jesus, lead by the Holy Spirit, and under the oversight of elders. Our doors are always open to those who, from the quiet depth of their hearts, would reach out to God in simple worship and obedient living. It is not our aim to amuse or entertain those who attend. It is not our purpose to feed vanity or pride. It is our intent to worship our sovereign and holy God in spirit and truth. If you enjoy meditating on God’s Word and sincerely want to know more about it, appreciate honoring Him through spiritual worship, and want warm, genuine love and fellowship, then we hope you will be pleased with the worship services of the Elgin Church of Christ.
Assembly Times
- Bible Class – 9:30 AM
- Worship – 10:30 AM
- Meal – 6:00 PM in Fellowship Hall
- Bible Study – 7:00 PM
703 N. Avenue C
Elgin, TX 78621